Publisher: Le Moniteur
Inscribed from Kurokawa to Charles.
Kurokawa, KishoPublisher: Le Moniteur
Inscribed from Kurokawa to Charles.
Kurokawa, KishoPublisher: l'Arcaedizioni
Inscribed from Kurokawa to Charles.
Kurokawa, KishoPublisher: l'Arcaedizioni
Inserted: Kurokawa typescript cv dated 03/01/15; l'ARCA flyer
Kurokawa, KishoPublisher: Studio Vista London
Annotated 'Charles Jencks'.
Includes introduction by Charles. Inserted: negative strips labelled 'Kurokawa pointing at himself CJ photo' and '[illegible] tea hut'; review of the book by Reyner Banham in the TLS 12 August 1977; printed out email from Michael Gibert seeking to clarify statements Charles made in an interview about Kurokawa, with reply from Charles, 2013
Kurokawa, KishoPublisher: John Weatherhill Inc
Inserted: review of the book from Building Design 14 July 1989
Kurokawa, Kisho