Fall 2004
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
Fall 2005
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
Winter/Spring 2007
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
-correspondence with Cole Roskam as well as questions and notes for a conversation on China's architectural development and Charles' own engagement with China.
-manuscript notes
-cutting from Building Design letters page including Richard Rogers, annotated, 2004
-printed out email regarding the New Science New Urbanism New Architecture conference organised by the Prince's Foundation with manuscript notes on reverse, 2004 Log
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
-annotated cuttings on the Prince of Wales
-review of Critical Mass by Philip Ball from TLS, 13 Aug 2004, annotated
-cutting from Resurgence No. 225 Christopher Alexander 'Our Birthright', Jul/Aug 2004, annotated
-manuscript notes
-brochure for The Prince's Foundation
-cutting on the Sim City computer game, 2004
-Charles' CV, c.1992
-reading material for the 'The Order of Nature: New Science, New Urbanism, New Architecture' conference [including an interview with Charles with Michael Catchart from Arts Today]; list of conference participants
-correspondence with The Prince's Foundation and manuscript notes, making arrangements for the conference, including in-depth discussion of the themes, 2004 Log
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
-annotated cuttings on the Prince of Wales
-manuscript notes
-'A Conversation with Philip Ball' from Katarxis No. 3, printed out Aug 2004
-'A Conversation with Ian Stewart' from Katarxis No. 3, printed out Aug 2004
-'A Conversation with Brian Goodwin' from Katarxis No. 3, printed out Aug 2004
-cover of and pages from 'Kings of Infinite Space'. Inserted: Academy Editions flyers for Kings of Infinite Space and fax from Palmer & Dodge of an article on Michael Graves' home, 1996
-printed out email from Charlene [Spretnak], sending an article on Christopher Alexander
-agenda for the 'The Order of Nature: New Science, New Urbanism, New Architecture' conference Log
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
-typescript titled 'Manifesto²' by Charles
-printed out composite image titled 'The Leviathan sunk by the critics: and crashes?' with figures including Jane Jacobs, Hannah Arendt, Aung Sann Suu Kyi, Anna Politkovskaya, Rachel Carson, Simon Jenkins, Jeremy Paxman and Naom [sic] Chomsky.
-manuscript notes headed 'Changing the world by good design' attached to printed-out emails with the Barbican relating to an event titled 'Ethics in Architecture: The Corbusian Legacy'
-incomplete typescript with list of illustrations
-cutting from Building Design 'Paradigm shift' [report of Charles' lecture at the Royal College of Art], Dec 2003
-pamphlet for the Serpentine Gallery Manifesto Marathon, 2008
-printed-out email correspondence with the Serpentine Gallery relating to the Manifesto Marathon; list of participants, annotated
-printed-out article from The Boston Globe titled 'Vote Hypocrite', 2008 Log
Winter/Spring 2012
Part of Charles Jencks Archive