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Archival description
[Loose documents]
CJA-RES-AL-B13-3-32 · File · 1974-2013
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
Contents of a plastic folder [removed for conservation reasons]. Includes:
-flyer for Postmodernism: stile e sovversione 1970-1990 held at Mart Rovereto 2012
-flyer for Postmodernism: Style and Subversion 1970-1990 held at Landesmuseum Zürich
-letter from Anne Leonard, Royal Australian Institute of Architects, returning the Melbourne Oration [not enclosed] and sending 'Non-Architecture' by Peter Corrigan [enclosed] and photocopy of an "ersatz fishie from a country area of NSW" [not enclosed], 1974
-cutting on Distant Reading
-reviews of the film 'The Pruitt Igoe Myth'
-review of a talk by Charles and Patrik Schumacher at the Royal College of Art, 2012
-typescript letters from Zdenek Hölzel, Czechoslovakia enclosing maps and plans of Prague, 1979
-program for Architectural students competition 2005 including a lecture by Charles
-printed out emails from Cynthia sending an edit of Charles' essay for Log magazine, with printouts of the illustrations of buildings labelled with harmonies and melodies, and an entry from Encyclopaedia Britannica on counterpoint
-donation to the V&A from the Portrack Charitable Trust
-Wiley Architecture & Design brochure
-typescript document titled 'Contextual Counterpoint in Architecture' by Charles printed out to show track changes, with additional annotations
-typescript document titled 'Post-Modern Stage II - Contextual Counterpoint' by Charles
-flyer for 'The Story of Post-Modernism'
-'Landscape architect has designs for the euthanasia debate' The Times 1 Dec 2012 interview with Charles ahead of a talk in Glasgow as part of Book Week Scotland
-ar+d award for Emerging Architecture news cutting [Charles listed as a judge]
-pages from AR Nov 2011
-plastic folder containing photocopied designs for the Jencks typeface
-official photographs of Charles from the Goldsmith presentation ceremonies 2011
-Offprint from Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Oct 1976
-invitation to a private tour and wine tasting at 19 Lansdowne Walk with Sothebys, 2012
-cover of Domus featuring Charles
-published article titled 'Postmodern Tories' by Roger Scruton, 2013
-interview with Charles in the Brooks Bulletin Spring 2013
-printed out emails from Steve Parnell checking quotes from an interview with Charles on AD and Andreas Papadakis, with annotations
-typescript titled '(P)relocating: the language of post-modern architecture' by Radu R Macovei and printed out email with Charles' comments
-pages from TLS 3 Oct 2013 annotated '4th wave fem.'
-pages from Blueprint No 2 Nov 1983 including 'High Jencks' by Deyan Sudjic
[Loose papers]
CJA-RES-AL-B13-5-39 · File · [1999-2015]
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
Bundle of documents found loose on the shelf. Includes:
-A4 flyers for The Iconic Building
-photocopy of 'Landform architecture: emergent in the nineties' by Charles [unidentified publication]
-flyer for 'Appropriating Soane' at the RA, 2 Dec 1999 with Charles as Chairman
-advert for Critical Modernism taken from domus 943, Jan 2011
-photocopied drawings of draft covers for The Story of Post-modernism
-cutting of an article titled 'Chaos Theory' from the Independent Magazine on Frank Gehry
[Loose documents]
CJA-RES-AL-B2-3L-4 · File · [2010-2018]
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
Bundle of documents found loose on the shelf. Includes:
-press cuttings on Peter Cook and Archigram
-cutting from an Italian magazine (Costruire) on Graz
-pages from domus on Cook and Fournier
Biennale original documents
CJA-VBE-2 · File
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
Contents of a folder labelled 'Biennale original documents - Biennale 1980'
Includes three slides boxes as well as:
-colour transparency strip
-leaflet titled 'Prima, Mostra Internazionale di Architettura' [bilingual Italian/English)
-pencil drawings and diagrams
-ink and coloured pencil drawing attached to foamboard showing a pencil and a book labelled ‘all the wasms have become isms’
-room layout sketch with explanation
-La Biennale di Venezia headed paper
-press cuttings
-typescript reproduced pamphlet titled ‘Post-Modern Architecture’ with a text by Charles and lists of slides. Multiple versions with corrections, annotations and alterations to the slides list
-copy manuscript letter to 'Pete’' regarding his symposium at the Venice Biennale
-photocopied typescript documents from the Architecture Department, La Biennale di Venezia, including lists of names of architects with manuscript annotations
-manuscript notes
-photocopied manuscript lists of names with Charles’ annotations
-photocopied typescript document headed ‘Giuseppe Galasso’ regarding the role of Architecture in the Biennale
-photocopied plans, some with manuscript annotations
-correspondence with the Fort Mason Center, San Francisco requesting a set of the slides, with Charles’ annotations regarding reply, and typescript copy reply
-manuscript notes of architects names under categories; one page headed USA
-photocopy of the Evolutionary Tree
-manuscript letter from 'Kitty & Ned' enclosing an article from New York
-topographic plan of Milan from Domus 506, gennaio 1972
-photocopied sketches
-typescript document titled 'Program of the Façade in the Venice Biennale/Programma Relativo alla Facciata Nella Mostra Della Biennale'
-typescript titled ‘The Counter-Reformation in Architecture: Reflections on the 1980 Venice Biennale’ by Charles with manuscript annotations
-photocopied letter from Paolo Portoghesi thanking Charles for the material concerning the 'Mosque of London’ and inviting him to be on the experts committee for the Venice Biennale
-typescript letter from Paolo Portoghesi with further details about the Biennale, an Italian translation of Charles’ book and sending photos of the Mosque.
-manuscript notes of architects names under categories; page headed Japan
CJA-VBE-3 · File
Part of Charles Jencks Archive
Contents of a folder labelled '1980 Biennale/Biennale 1980 Russia etc. 93 slides 4BxW + documents'. Includes:
-colour film strip showing men in a factory/workshop
-plastic strips containing 12 slides, one labelled 'Biennale 1982'
-negative strips [showing 1980 Biennale], bag annotated with instructions for printing
-photocopied typescript titled ‘Translation: The Tournament’ relating to the XIV Congress of UIA, Warsaw. S. Okojomox, Warsaw-Moscow’.
-manuscript letter from Glazytchev Slava in Moscow regarding translations of Charles’ work, their publication in domus, work with Eugene [Rosenblum] and Mark [Konik] under the auspicises of Artists’ Union and work of others throughout the Soviet Republic with sketch drawings of the buildings.
-publication: Архитектура ИЗДАЕТСЯ СОВМЕСТНО С СОЮЗОМ АРХИТЕКТОРОВ СССР И ГОСГРАЖДАНСТРОЕМ № 16 (500) 2 августа 1981 [Russian language]
-copied typescript document headed ‘Digging up the past: treatment for a 45 minute film’ to document post-modern architect and be presented and co-authored by Charles, by Scott Thomas, 1981; annotated.
-manuscript letter from Suzanne [Frank] at The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies; annotated.
-postcard of New York from [illegible] [Stephens], annotated by Charles ‘re Vidler piece’
Centre D’Etudes et de Recherches Architecturales, Paris - Bulletin d’information inter-establissements no 51 Mai 1980 with a paragraph annotated ‘translate’
-guidelines for submissions to the Arts Films Committee
-manuscript letter from Scott [Thomas] regarding the film, including a list of people on the Arts Films Advisory Committee
-typescript letter from Scott Thomas regarding a proposed film on Post-Modernism for a general audience and a copy letter from Carter H Manny at the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts
-photocopies from an unknown publication, on classicism; annotated
-typescript copy letter from Charles titled ‘Letters to the Editor Re: Classical confusion’ regarding an article by Tony Vidler [1981]
-postcard of a drawing of a building by Hans Robert Hiegel, used as a Christmas Card
-christmas letter from Thomas and [Marina] Smith
-cutting on Ricardo Bofill's Le Palaccio d'Abraxas
-manuscript notes titled ‘The Reurbanisation of Runcorn’ [not Charles’ hand]
-anuscript article ‘The transformation of Chandigarh – Rodrigo Pérez de Arce'
-manuscript letter from Kazuhiro Ishii on Kazuro Ishii Architect & Associates headed paper regarding windows in Charles’ "Post-Modernism book".
-typescript letter from Laurence Booth on Booth/Hansen & Associated headed paper regarding Post Modern Classicism, 1980
-typescript letter from Paolo Portoghesi thanking Charles for the material concerning the “Mosque of London’ and inviting him to be on the experts committee for the Venice Biennale, 1979
-manuscript list of architects’ names on Los Angeles: School of Architecture and Urban Planning headed paper
-receipt from the Metropolitan Museum of Art photograph services, 1981
-typescript letter from Eugene Kupper enclosing material for the Venice Biennale, 1980
-typescript letter from Helle Klint asking to feature on of Charles’ houses in a monthly column for Berlingske Tidende, enclosing an example, 1979
-typescript document titled ‘Contemporary Architects: Publication Spring 1979 (London: Macmillan, NYC: St Martin’s) with details of the editor, advisory board and contributors with a covering notes from Muriel Emanuel asking Charles to contribute, 1978
-manuscript lists of architect’s names, titled ‘C.Jencks’ sub-headed Japan, USA, Europe/England
-change of address from Kuro and Chris Fawcett, on the reverse a manuscript list of Japanese architects
-manuscript lists of architects sub headed ‘Japanese metaphysical school + symbolism’, ‘USA historicism, symbolism, [remainder], ‘European historicism, urbanism, vernacular’
-business card for Claudio D’Amato Guerrieri
-photograph of an unidentified man in front of the Holy Trinity [Kingsway] church
-cutting from Building Design 9 July 1982 on the Art and Architecture Action Group at the ICA
-typescript note titled ‘(for Stirling Bayer)’ regarding Lutyens' Midland Bank headquarters.
-leaflet for laboratorio de arquitectura 1982 centro de arte y comunicaión, Viamonte
-L. A Architecture: A publication of the Los Angeles Chapter, American Institute of Architects Vol 7 No 3 Mar 1981 including a mention of Charles lecturing on Post-Modern Classicism at the Pacific Design Center
-Architectural Association School of Architecture Events list 10, Autumn Term 8-10 Dec 1980 including an exhibition on Garagia Rotunda and a lecture on Post-Modern Classicism by Charles
-typescript letter from Romi Khosla on The Grüp New Delhi headed paper, asking if their work was featured in Charles’ book, 1981
-photocopied review of Signs, Symbols and Architecture by Linda groat, sent by Geoffrey Broadbent
-cutting from the International Herald Tribune 21 May 1982 on demographics
-manuscript letter from Humphrey B[illegible] regarding a meeting with Robert on Brown’s Hotel notepaper regarding a meeting with Robert
-cutting from an unidentified publication 'Neo-classical (again)' by Loyd Grossman
-cutting from an unidentified publication [possibly the Maltings Free Press] on Jeremy Dixon with annotations
-photocopy from Casabella No. 470 6/1981 titled 'Post-post....'
-typescript document titled ‘Palladio and the Japanese’
-manuscript letter from Edward Jones 'acting as a messenger for Christian Broza' with some drawings and talking about what movements Charles has left out of his “family tree”
-b&w professional photographs of the Venice Biennale
-cutting of ‘The Presence of the Past’ by Charles in domus 61 [in Italian] with compliments slip