Maggie's Glasgow (Gatehouse) garden



Nota(s) sobre el alcance

  • Built 2002. Centre closed in 2011 (moved to new Gartnavel facility).

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      Maggie's Glasgow (Gatehouse) garden

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          Maggie's Glasgow (Gatehouse) garden

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          AR00021 · Entidad colectiva · 1996-
          In 1988 Charles Jencks second wife, Maggie Keswick Jencks, was diagnosed with breast cancer. It returned in 1993 and the following year Maggie wrote *A View from the Front Line* about her own experience of diagnosis and treatment and started working on the idea of a new type of cancer caring centre with oncology nurse, Laura Lee, now Maggie’s Chief Executive. The first Maggie's Centre, designed by Richard Murphy, opened in 1996 in Edinburgh (a year after the death of Maggie Keswick Jencks) and there are now 27 such centres in the UK and three overseas; designed by various architects but all based on Maggie Keswick Jencks original blueprint. Maggies is the operating name of the registered charity, Maggie Keswick Jencks Cancer Caring Centres Trust and Charles Jencks was on the Board from its inception to his death.