Showing 68 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Solar heating 3 0
Window Seat Window chair 2 0
Slide Scrapers

Use for: Slide skyscrapers

4 0
  • Term used by Charles Jencks for the bookcases in the Architectural Library of varying design, reflecting historic architectural themes from the Western tradition
3 0
Furniture (7) 32 1

Use for: Scholar Rock, Scholar Stone

  • A Gongshi is a stone sculptured by the elements. They are also known as scholar rocks or stones,.
0 0
Jencks Typeface
  • The Jencks Typeface was developed from the curve and stagger of the Jencksiana; a stepped motif with a semi-circular arch, that was designed as Jencks’ personal trademark. The typeface was used for the many inscriptions in the interiors and on the original fittings and furniture of The Cosmic House.
4 0
  • The Jencksiana, a stepped motif with a semi-circular arch, was designed as Jencks’ personal trademark, and was used in several of Jencks’ design projects including The Cosmic House in London and the Elemental House in Rustic Canyon, California.
6 0